After many hours labour the hull as been wet & dry sanded and polished back to a smooth gloss with a few little patches showing on the side that the colour wasn't quite as thick as we once thought, but at least that means it will be light.
Since then we have finished off the cradle and put the boat back upright. The floor was then painted with white two pack paint with a roller. Three light coats were first applied wet on wet to get an even colour across the floor. To get the grippy finish a mixture of "Norglas" grip additive and caster sugar where added to the white paint. This slightly thickened mixture was then spread over the floor with a roller.
Since uni work was handed in last week its all hands on deck to get her rigged and fitted out so we can get her wet at least once before the Belmont state titles. Most of the fittings have arrived and will begin to be place on the boat mid week. A bolts order will be made early this week once we have the fittings and a new s/steel mast step is in the works to be welded up before the weekend.